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Duration: 04:53Views: 16KLikes: 775Date Created: Jun, 2019

Channel: Miss Kaykrizz

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: interview guidemisskaykrizzfree flight attendant trainingcabin crewflight attendantfa interview tipsjob interview questions and answersfa interviewhow to answerfa jobcrewlifeflight attendant job interview questionsinterview tipssample interview answersflight attendant interview questionsinterview hackswhy do you want to become a cabin crew member?how to become a flight attendantinterview tips and tricksflight attendant interview tips

Description: Getting ready for your interview? Not so sure of how you’re going to answer the interview questions? Have no flying experience? No worries, I’ve got YOU! Here’s a sample Cabin Crew Question & Answer sample especially made for you! Flight Attendant Interview Questions | WHY DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A CABIN CREW MEMBER? Key Areas to cover when answering this question: -The positive aspects of the job. -The suitability of your personal qualities and attributes to the role. Sample Answer: I want to be a cabin crew because I believe that I have qualities that are needed on this job. I love working with people instead of working in front of computer. I’m also flexible and definitely can easily adjust to my environment. I’m willing to work in a team to achieve a common goal. Aside from that I can offer the best customer service that will make customer’s wanted to fly with your airlines again. I want to inspire people and learn from them. I remember when I had a small talk with an FA during my flight and when I asked him about his job he don’t hesitate to share and give advices and because of that I feel more inspired to pursue my dream. And this memory sticks with my after all these years. I want to be a flight attendant because I wish I can leave such a powerful memory in somebody’s life. #FlightAttendantInterviewQuestions, #CabinCrewInterviewQuestions, #HowToBeACabinCrew Download my FREE Interview Guide: Top 10 Cabin Crew Interview Questions and Answers: subscribepage.com/freedownloadMK Hi Guys! Its me Miss Kaykrizz (a.k.a. Ruth) and welcome to my channel. I’m a Former International Flight Attendant in the middle east and in the Philippines. I hope you like my vids, it is made with love. :) Fly with you soon! Mentioned in the video: Ready for Take-Off Book and coaching packages at misskaykrizz.com Get 10% off the price with all my products with discount code: FLYFAM2019 Ready for Take-Off: 8 Proven Steps to Get your Dream Job as a Flight Attendant Breeze through your Flight Attendant Interview with Flying Colors! HERE’S THE TRUTH: There is no secret formula to being a Flight Attendant. You don't need to be super good looking and stunning to WOW the recruiters. All you need is the Proper PREPARATION. Take Charge of your Dream Now and Be Ready for Take-Off! Ready for take-off Masterclass: Online course to pass your job interview. readyfortakeoff.teachable.com/p/ready-for-take-off Pass the Flight Attendant Interview even if you dont have experience, education or the perfect looks. ENROLL NOW! Get 10% off the price with discount code: FLYFAM2019 From Kara Grand 101 Questions and Answers for Cabin Crew interview gumroad.com/a/877081715/qSGz How to be a Flight Attendant gumroad.com/a/877081715/ODRt Online Flight Attendant Courses: Becoming Cabin Crew lifeasabutterfly.teachable.com/courses/online-diploma-in-becoming-cabin-crew?affcode=243880_r2brrh1q Cabin Crew Interview Mastery flightattendant.teachable.com/?affcode=204501_25sa2k1j FREE DOWNLOAD! FREE DOWNLOAD! FREE INTERVIEW GUIDE Top 10 Flight Attendant Interview Questions & Sample Answers subscribepage.com/freedownloadMK FB Group facebook.com/groups/misskaykrizz Vlogging Equipment I use Camera: iPhone6 - bit.ly/2UcigrC Huawei P30 PRO - bit.ly/2PeFU87 Canon Powershot G7X Mark ii P25,280 - bit.ly/2Zp1vPN Ringlight: Diva Ring Light: Supernova Something similar more sulit sa price- bit.ly/2UiWS4c Lapel Mic: P297 bit.ly/2UbLV46 Computer: 13" Macbook Pro 128GB Editing Software: Final Cut Pro Others: Hard Drive: Toshiba 1TB - bit.ly/2ZyySem FanTech wireless mouse - bit.ly/2ZCbyjI iPhone Headset 64 GB Memory Card - bit.ly/2UcjMKk Canon G7x extra battery- bit.ly/32kPcRR Do you wanna read the BLOG VERSION for this vlog? CLICK HERE! misskaykrizz.com/blogs/blog/why-do-you-want-to-become-a-cabin-crew-member CONNECT WITH ME HERE ❤️FACEBOOK❤️ facebook.com/misskaykrizzofficial ❤️ INSTAGRAM ❤️ instagram.com/misskaykrizz ❤️ EMAIL ME ❤️ kaykrizz@gmail.com #FlightAttendantSalary #FlightAttendantJobs #cabincrewacademy #cabincrewwannabe #cabincrewtraining #flightattendantslife #soarhigh #Aviationlovers #wanderful_places #flightattendants #Ibelieveicanfly #girlonthego #airports #passportlife #dreamliner #airhostess #flyhigh #traveladdicted #stewardess #lifewelltraveled #travelaroundtheworld #flightattendant #cabincrew #crewlife #wanderlust #aviation cabin crew, flight attendant, crewlife, flight attendant interview tips, how to become a flight attendant, Interview guide, interview tips, interview hacks, interview tips and tricks, free flight attendant training, sample interview answers, job interview questions and answers, how to answer, flight attendant interview questions, flight attendant job interview questions, FA interview, FA interview tips, FA job

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